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Thursday, October 3, 2013

Holidays start!

Yeah Hoo! Its sem break again! After suffering from final exam................... Seriously, this sem is much more tougher than last few sem. There are two possible reasons 1) I am too lazy. 2) 4/5 of the subjects are under accounting. K, stop talking about that, even stop thinking about the result. Urgh!

During this holiday, I didnt manage where to go, dont have any plan like last time we always plan to have a short trip(Sg USS, KL, SB, JB, BP bla bla bla). Luckily xg girls will have a short gathering at KL coz we all ady planned so many times to go Jogoya. This time really make it dy. HAHA Unfortunately,we cant go during weekdays(promotion days). So we have to pay full price which is RM96+ for each person. $_$
Anyway, im quite look forward for that day. Take more & more picha!! cicha cicha cicha

forget about diet plan.... I decided to focus on workout or exercises...Bcoz i think i cant control myself from eating when I staying at my lovely home...anyway I will try my best to control myself keep away from UNHEALTHY FOODS/BEVERAGES.
FATS, get away from me or go to my booobs! hahahahahhaha
(copied from internet source,i like it much! :p)

I wish I can achieve what I want and I WILL DO IT, I CAN DO IT! 

Foooof! Byebye

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